Monmouth County Pizza Smackdown: Orlando’s vs. Romeo’s

Welcome to the Monmouth County Pizzeria Smackdown. In the red corner, we have the one and only Italian restaurant in the town of Colts Neck, Orlando’s Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria!

The opponent in the blue corner hails from a modest shopping center in Freehold. Serving everything from cheesesteak to calzones, it’s Romeo’s Pizza and More! Let’s get ready to rumble.

I tried the plain cheese pizza from both restaurants. Orlando’s slice was $2, while Romeo’s pizza was $2.41.

orlandos pizza romeos pizza plain

Orlando’s pizza pictured left; Romeo’s pictured right.

Outside of the pizza itself, the service at both restaurants was great. The employees were kind and talkative towards every customer.

There was an obvious difference in the two slices: Romeo’s was much bigger. The slices in the pizzeria are much bigger than expected, and are only slightly more expensive than those at Orlando’s. I recommend ordering less slices than usual, because they are enormous portions.

Although both slices were delicious and would be excellent choices for anyone, they were extremely different. Romeo’s offered a crunchy crust and more seasoning, but was greasier than its opponent. Orlando’s was softer, but it became chewy at some points. Still, it had a good balance between the cheese, sauce and dough.

The pizza at Orlando’s would appeal to kids, especially picky eaters. It was hard to find any seasoning, and the crust was softer. The slice is also an appropriate portion for younger customers.

The Winner

Romeo’s takes the cake (or pizza?) in this match, but with such a worthy opponent, there were no losers. The huge slice packed a dynamic punch, leaving me wanting more.

Although Romeo’s is the winner for now, there are countless more pizzerias in Monmouth County. Be sure to recommend more Italian eateries if you want to see them featured here.


Media and Food Autobiography

My addiction to the media started as a form of entertainment, but as I’ve grown up, various media outlets have become a way for me to learn about new restaurants, find recipes and learn about food. By immersing myself in magazines, newspapers, television shows and websites, I have been able to learn about the food industry and develop a passion for it.

Since I was young, my family and I used to cut recipes out of the newspaper, from cookies to macaroni and cheese. We also read articles in local publications about new restaurants in the area and were able to discover amazing eateries. The paper has become more than just a source for news; It has helped me become involved in the community. One of my guilty pleasures is reading magazines. I love reading the Food Network Magazine and finding new recipes, or reading Fitness Magazine to find healthy snacks (although I would prefer eating cupcakes). I have been able to find tons of new recipes and chefs through magazines.

I have also used television to learn about food. The first show I watched on the Food Network was Emeril Live, and I have watched the network religiously since then. Shows such as Unique Sweets have introduced me to creative desserts, and shows such as Cupcake Wars and Cake Boss have introduced me to eateries all over the east coast.

Recently, I have enjoyed finding new restaurants online. I love looking at menus online and marveling at the delicious food. The Internet has made it much easier to find out about restaurants, and also find reviews on those restaurants before trying them out. The Internet has given the public a voice that it never had before.

I am so excited to experience new advances in the media, and see how those improvements will affect my relationship with food. I would also love to have a career involving the media in the future, maybe even on the Food Network.